Friday, March 24, 2006


hmm. it seems that my imo hair will finally end this week since im probably going for a haircut this weekend. had lotsa comments about my appearance this week. mostly they were positive! hurrah! Looks like i have to keep it! heheh.

besides, just realised that my stamina has deproved A lot. i could only run around 5 rounds at my 11 min jogging pace. i walked lots and ended up with a 13+. insulting. looks like i better go for morninng 2.4 runs. anyone want to join me? hopefully i'll have some miracle for my pullups too like in sec 4. Miraculous.

went out for lunch with vivek, jheeva and nithya then went library where i met dylan and found this funky paradox book that kept me entertained until that dumb university talk. found out some sneaky truths about recent events in my class. heheh. exclusive info. whee. i wouldve benefitted more if i had just taken the books, left the Lt and used my time in other ways.

At least the talk did set me thinking about what i want to do with my future. right now, i have three very different paths for my life. wish i can have it all but thats crazy. i'd have to make a choice soon enough. hopefully, i'd be ready by then.

besides, while some casual reading of the bible, (casual only, im still 100% Mus. heheh) i kind off came across this interesting verse.

Beloved, let us love one another: for love is of God; and every one that loveth is born of God, and knoweth God. He that loveth not knoweth not God; for God is love.


and i just realised im leaving cryptic messages unknowingly in my posts. really really freaky.

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